Comprehensive Plan Update



Oregon Planning Underway
Future Land Use to be Addressed

The City of Oregon has kicked off a planning effort to guide land use decisions over the next several years by updating the existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
“Much has changed since the 2016 plan was prepared,” said Darin DeHaan, City Administrator. “The City has been investigating housing needs, riverfront development, walkability, and other potential projects. Updating the Comprehensive Land Use Plan now makes sense. With the changes in the area and our local economy, this is a great time to look ahead in a big picture way.”

Northern Illinois University’s Center for Governmental Studies and consultant Egret & Ox Planning will assist the City in preparing the plan, but much of the input will come from the community.

“We need your help, Our community will have several ways to get involved in the process,” explained Mayor Ken Williams. “We have a project website with updates, links to surveys, and a place for comments to be left on a map. We are asking both residents and businesses to participate in surveys over the next several months. This is your opportunity to help chart the future of your community”

Comprehensive plans are typically updated every five years and are a valuable tool for City officials, residents, businesses, potential developers, and others. The updated Oregon Plan will include a vision of what the community hopes to be, goals and objectives, a future land use map, and implementation strategies. For more information about the project contact Darin DeHaan at (815-732-6321 or The project website can be found at