CENSUS DAY! Help make Oregon Count!

Today, April 1, 2020, Census Day is observed nationwide. By today, most homes should have received an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census.

Oregon benefits only by all residents reporting their presence.   By doing so, we will benefit from a larger share of state and federal funds provided to towns and cities across Illinois.

Why is Census Day important?

When completing the 2020 Census, record where you’re living—and who is living in your home—as of April 1, 2020. Designating Census Day as one reference date for the count helps ensure that everyone is counted just once, even if they are moving or live in multiple homes.

You can respond from your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. Respond at 2020CENSUS.GOV or call one of the toll-free numbers listed on your invitation.  

For more information on responding to the census, visit 2020CENSUS.GOV