Autumn On Parade

Held the 1st full weekend of October.
According to festival history Autumn on Parade started back in 1970 by a group of seven volunteers wanting to showcase the area’s many fine homemade treats such as bittersweet and apples. Those seven vendors sold their items on Third Street on a rainy weekend in September.
As the festival began to take shape, the Farmers’ Market was moved to the Courthouse Square where the stately 121-year-old Ogle County Courthouse provides an impressive backdrop for the event.
Since then, Autumn on Parade, now held the first full weekend of October, attracts 10’s of thousands of visitors, yet it has remained a volunteer-based organization. It has grown to include more than 200 vendors and includes events such as the Harvest Time Parade, Fun Zone, and many more family orientated activities! Visit for more information.