Sarah Phelps Community Plaza

Sarah Phelps Community Plaza continues to be a work in progress:

The property was originally purchased five years ago and phase one of the project was to create public washrooms and move the John Phelps kitchen from the west end of town from the old Phelps farmstead to the other end of the property.

Darin DeHaan, City Manager: “A combination of donated funds, including $7,500 from the Illinois Realtor’s Association, grants and ARPA funding totaling approximately $60,000 helped complete the project that had a price tag of around $80,000.” Community members can use the space for free, just contact City Hall for access to the building.

The interior of the building has been renovated with a sink and refrigerator that can used by the public for events and special occasions. The new green space in the heart of downtown features a beautiful assortment of flowers, plants and trees. Picnic tables, chess and checker stations and benches will provide a comfortable setting.

Mayor Ken Williams “We had a vision when we first bought the property of what it could become,” Williams said. “This is such a special moment and a rich community event because so many people got their hands involved to make it work. That’s why it’s called the community plaza.”