The 2024 Comprehensive Plan builds on the policies of the 2003 and 2016 Plans, addressing new economic
realities, recommendations of previous strategic economic development plans and urban design
studies prepared over the last ten years. The 2016 Plan provides an updated guide for the City
growth and redevelopment incorporating new ideas and vision expressed by the City’s elected and
community leadership, and desires identified by residents.
The last Comprehensive Plan was developed over ten years ago during a very different economic
climate, making this plan update an essential tool in guiding City officials and residents towards an
economic development strategy that will revitalize the City as desirable location for living, jobs,
shopping, entertainment, and tourism, while maintaining the historic character of the City that
provides its unique and appealing character.
The City of Oregon’s historic development as part of the Rock River Valley, connecting communities
in Wisconsin to the River’s terminus in Rock Island, IL, is well known for its wooded hills, limestone
bluffs, meadows, along with varied park-like settings. However, the impact of demographic and
economic changes requires a proactive approach in defining what the City of Oregon desires to be,
the character it wants to maintain and create, and a strategy to achieve its vision. Managing the
location, type and quality of growth in Oregon is a major concern of both citizens and municipal
officials. The intent of this Plan is to serve as a source of civic inspiration and reference in effecting
desirable public and private improvements throughout the community.