Oregon City Planning and Zoning Commission

Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates are scheduled at 5:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month and are held at City Hall.
(Planning and Zoning Commission meetings may be canceled if there is no necessary business to discuss.  Please check with City Hall prior to attending.)

  • Responsible for the preparation of a comprehensive city plan for the guidance, direction and control of the growth and development of the City of Oregon.
  • To prepare and recommend to the council a comprehensive plan for the development of the city.  Such plan may be adopted in whole or in separate geographical or functional parts, each of which, when adopted, shall be the official comprehensive plan of the city. This plan may include reasonable requirements with reference to streets, alleys, public grounds, and other improvements. The plan, as recommended by the planning commission and adopted in the city, may apply to land within the corporate limits and contiguous territory not more than one and one-half (1½) miles beyond the corporate limits.   Such plan may be implemented by ordinances:
  • Establishing reasonable standards of design for subdivisions and resubdivisions of unimproved land and of areas subject to redevelopment in respect to public improvements
  • Establishing reasonable requirements governing the location, width, course, and surfacing of public streets and highways, alleys, ways for public service facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, parks, playgrounds, school grounds, size of lots to be used for residential purposes, stormwater drainage, water supply and distribution, sanitary sewers, and sewage collection and treatment;
  • May designate land suitable for annexation to the city and the recommended zoning classification for such land upon annexation;
  • To recommend changes, from time to time, in the official comprehensive plan;
  • To prepare and recommend to the council, from time to time, plans for specific improvements pursuance to the official comprehensive plan
  • To give aid to the city officials charged with the direction of projects for improvements embraced within the official plan, to further the making of these projects, and, generally, to promote the realization of the official comprehensive plan;
  • To prepare and recommend to the council schemes for regulating or forbidding structures or activities which may hinder access to solar energy necessary for the proper functioning of solar energy systems, or to recommend changes in such schemes; and


The membership of the planning and zoning commission shall include:

  • The Mayor, who shall be an ex officio member without power to vote;
  • Seven members who shall be appointed by the Mayor on the basis of their particular fitness for their duty on the planning and zoning commission and subject to the approval of the council.
  • Five appointed members of the planning and zoning commission shall reside within the city and two appointed members of the planning and zoning commission shall reside within territory contiguous to the city but not more than one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits and not included within any other municipality.
  • There shall also be an alternate planning and zoning commission member appointed by the mayor and subject to the approval of the council.  The alternate may be from within the city limits or within contiguous territory not more than one and one-half miles of the municipal boundary as the need may be.
  • The alternate member shall only serve and be allowed to vote on planning and zoning issues in the absence of one or more of the regular appointed planning and zoning members and shall be called upon in situations where there may not be a quorum of planning and zoning commission members available for the scheduled meeting.
  • An alternate member may not reside in an area which is included within any other municipality.
  • An alternate member shall receive all minutes of all planning and zoning meetings (whether or not they attended) in order to remain current on planning issues.
  • Immediately following their appointment, the members of the planning and zoning commission shall meet, organize, elect such officers as they may deem necessary, and adopt and later change or alter, rules and regulations of organization and procedure consistent with the provisions of this Code and state laws.
  • The planning and zoning commission shall keep written records of its proceedings, which are open at all times to public inspection.
  • The planning and zoning commission shall also file an annual report with the mayor and council, setting forth its transactions and recommendations.
  • The planning and zoning commission shall also file an annual report with the mayor and council, setting forth its transactions and recommendations.

Current Members
Mark Herman, Chairman
Roger Cain
Jeff Hallock
Rick Ryland
Karly Spell
Randy Cropp
Liz Hiemstra

Mayor Ken Williams (ex officio, non-voting)

Cheryl Hilton, Secretary

Current Agenda and Minutes

Historical Oregon Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agendas


Plan Agenda November 2020
Plan Agenda October 2020
Plan Agenda September 2020 Minutes September 2020
Plan Agenda August 2020 Minutes August 2020
Plan Agenda July 2020
Plan Agenda June 2020 Minutes June 2020
Plan Agenda May 2020 Minutes May 2020
Plan Agenda April 2020 Minutes April 2020
Plan Agenda February 2020
Plan Agenda January 2020 Minutes January 2020


Plan Commission minutes November 18, 2019
Plan Commission minutes October 15, 2019
Plan Commission minutes August 20, 2019
Plan Commission minutes May 21, 2019
Plan Commission minutes April 16, 2019
Plan Commission minutes March 19, 2019
Plan Commission minutes January 15, 2019


Plan Commission minutes December 11, 2018
Plan Commission minutes November 20, 2018
Plan Commission minutes September 18, 2018
Plan Commission minutes July 17, 2018
Minutes 6-19-2018
Minutes 3-30-2018
Minutes 2-20-2018
Minutes 1-16-2018


Minutes 12-12-2017
Minutes 9-19-2017
Minutes 8-15-2017
Minutes 7-18-2017
Minutes 6-20-2017
Minutes 5-16-2017
Minutes 4-18-2017
Minutes 3-23-2017
Minutes 2-21-2017


Minutes 12-13-2016
Minutes 11-15-2016
Minutes 8-16-2016
Minutes 7-19-2016
Minutes 5-17-2016
Minutes 4-5-2016


Minutes 12-14-2015
Minutes 11-17-2015
Minutes 9-15-2015
Minutes 8-18-2015
Minutes 7-21-2015
Minutes 7-14-2015
Minutes 3-17-2015
Minutes 2-17-2015


Minutes 12-20-2004 – Century Hills Sub