Oregon’s ECDC meeting dates are regularly scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month and are held at City Hall.
The economic and community development commission shall have for its purpose and goal the maintenance of the economic health of the existing community and the promotion of industrial development, commercial and retail business and other supporting services, which will provide quality job opportunities, diversify and broaden the tax base, and enhance the quality of life in the City of Oregon. The commission is authorized to coordinate its activities with such local organizations and institutions as will affect a successful program of economic and community development.
- Monitor and work closely with the Oregon Chamber of Commerce and other taxing bodies and organizations in their marketing and promotion efforts to attract new business to the community and to expand existing business within the community.
- Make recommendations to improve and enhance the community’s public infrastructure, its visual appeal and design, and its overall competitiveness to create opportunities and sites suitable for developing for future economic proposals.
- Actively engage in strategic economic development planning and policy initiatives, participate in a comprehensive and effective business retention program, and review and recommend specific incentive proposals for projects of an economic development nature.
- Work with the plan commission to identify future growth areas and recommend public infrastructure improvements to make these areas capable of development.
- Participate in the preparation of the city’s five (5) year capital improvement plan and annual capital improvement budget.
- Assist in identifying revenue alternatives and fee structures to finance these improvements.
- Formulate and implement various plans to redevelop appropriate areas of the community to improve and enhance its economic vitality and visual appeal.
- Establish a capability to conduct on site business retention calls. Recommend policy and program revisions based on issues or concerns that are identified.
- Identify and recommend infrastructure improvements, in addition to roads and sewers that are necessary to improve the community’s quality of life, including public/private improvements, etc.
- Review and analyze various statistics, trends, and reports to keep current on issues that may affect economic and community development policy.
The economic and community development commission shall be comprised of not more than seven persons and three alternates, with the advice and consent of the city commissioners. One member shall be the commissioner of finance. Not less than six of the seven regular members and two of the alternates shall be either:
- Residents of the city;
- Owners of real estate or a business within the city; or
- Representatives of one of the allowable organizations.
Allowable organizations include:
- The chamber of commerce
- The park district
- The school district
- The county board or board appointee
- The library district.
Effort shall be made to include representation from the following segments of the community: retail, commercial, industrial segments; professional and financial institutions; utility and labor segments; other taxing districts; and citizens at large.
Appointments shall be made on the basis of the individual, the willingness to serve, and the ability to assist in the goals of the commission. One member shall be appointed chair by the mayor.
Current members (as of 3/4/2022):
Don Griffin, Chair of Planning Commission-Ogle County Board
Erin Folk, Director of Oregon Park District
P.J. Caposey, Superintendent of Oregon Public Schools
Chance Monroe, Executive Director, Oregon Area Chamber of Commerce Board
Rebecca Hazzard, Remax
Phil Lehmann, Harvard State Bank
Terry Schuster, City Commissioner
Mike Glenn, Coliseum Museum
(Open Position)
The Commission Chair, with the approval of the Commission, may form committees to aid in the achievement of its goals. The Chair of these or other committees must be a member of the commission, but persons willing to serve on these committees may be persons at large, not necessarily members of the commission, and not necessarily meeting the requirements of members to the commission.
Historical Agenda and Minutes:
2020 Agendas and Minutes
Agenda January 7, 2020 Minutes January 7, 2020
Agenda February 4, 2020 Minutes February 4, 2020
Agenda March 3, 2020 Minutes March 3, 2020
Agenda April 2020 Minutes April 2020
Agenda May 2020 Minutes May 2020
Agenda June 2020 Minutes June 2020
Agenda July 2020 Minutes July 2020
Agenda August 2020 Minutes August 2020
Agenda September 2020 Minutes September 2020
Agenda October 2020 Minutes October 2020
ECDC Agenda November 2020 Minutes November 2020
ECDC minutes February 11, 2019
ECDC minutes September 3, 2019
Minutes 1-2-2018
Minutes 2-6-2018
Minutes 4-3-2018
ECDC minutes May 1, 2018
Minutes 6-5-2018
Minutes 8-7-2018
Minutes 1-3-2017
Minutes 2-7-2017
Minutes 3-7-2017
Minutes 5-2-2017
Minutes 6-6-2017
Minutes 7-12-2017
Minutes 8-1-2017
Minutes 9-5-2017
Minutes 11-7-2017
Minutes 12-5-2017
Minutes 1-5-2016
Minutes 2-2-2016
Minutes 3-1-2016
Minutes 3-7-2016
Minutes 5-3-2016
Minutes 6-7-2016
Minutes 7-11-2016
Minutes 8-2-2016
Minutes 9-6-2016
Minutes 10-4-2016
Minutes 11-1-2016
Minutes 12-7-2016